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Spring - Rejuvenation, Renewal, Regrowth...

Dear Maia Members,

As I am writing this board letter, it’s snowing outside. I do believe that spring is on its way.

Spring and "springtime" refers to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. Continue to Rise to the challenge by reaching out to others to join ABWA. You have strengthened our chapter by inviting others to connect with us as we continue to grow and reach our goals. We are only 4 members away from reaching Level III Best Practices. I am optimistic we can reach this goal by July 31st.

Here’s a great opportunity to reap in some rewards. ABWA’s spring membership campaign takes place from March 1- May 31st. As a Thank You and token of appreciation (for recruiting new members) ABWA will reward you with some fabulous gifts from Vera Bradley.

Are you aware of a member who has made a notable contribution to the success of our chapter? Please consider nominating this individual for woman of the year. The top ten selection is intended to underscore a member's professional development. The women of the year and top ten nominees will be selected at our March 17th meeting. The candidate forms were e-mailed to all Maia members. Please submit your nomination form to: Delores M. or Lisa B.

Our Women Together fundraiser (April 25th) is right around the corner. We expect this conference to be very well attended. We can’t pull this off without you. How can you help? 1. Have you registered yet?

2. Pass out and distribute flyers to your co-workers, relatives, friends, etc. Men are also invited to attend.

3. Solicit for ads

4. Post/Advertise on your personal Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Nextdoor Accounts.

5. Purchase a Patron Ad for our program.

6. Seek a sponsorship.

7. Sign-Up to assist on the day of the event.

As publicized in our Women Together flyer, our dynamic speakers will help you navigate roadblocks, be okay with an occasional side trip, and find your way to get back on track.

Our next Women Together Planning meeting is on March 11th @ 6:00 pm - Kathy’s House of Pancakes, Ann Arbor. This is another opportunity to get involved. Our Co-Chairs, Stephanie R. and Della C. would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have regarding this event. I hope to see you on March 11th!

Continuing with growth that spring brings, please consider how a leadership role could enhance your personal and professional development. We will be electing the nominating committee at our March meeting. This committee will accept nominations for Maia's Executive Team for the 2020-2021-chapter year. Nominate yourself or someone you feel would like to serve on the board.

Finally, please take some time to meet our newest members: Kati B., Lisa B., Lisa H., Samantha N., Janine A., LaDonna B. and Wendy Z. They will bring new awakenings to our chapter.

Isn’t this all related to spring?

Rise to the Challenge in ABWA!

Sharon Walker


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