Greetings Maia Members, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the unprecedented times that we have been through. It seems an understatement to say it has been challenging and difficult. I know some of you are tired of zoom calls and meeting. You’ve been asked to juggle things more than ever before. Myself and the executive board would like to thank you for your extraordinary efforts and dedication to Maia chapter and ABWA. You have all worked tirelessly keeping us afloat.
I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep believing and stay strong!
I welcome our newest members since August 1st to ABWA-Maia. Sherri L, Tammy K, Swathi T and Holly W. You have stepped up to the table working diligently on committees, etc.
We will be electing our Women of the Year, (notable individual who has made contribution to the success of our chapter), Protégé Award- (this is a great way to nominate a first year member for making a valuable contribution). Finally, our Top Ten Nominee (recognized for exceptional achievement in the areas of community engagement, professional development and contribution to Maia).
We are off and running with our Women Together Virtual Fundraising event scheduled for April 17th - “Engaged, Energized and Empowered.”
Please think about a way you can become Engaged. How can we light your fuel to Energize you? What Empowerment or role are you seeking?
We can’t make this event successful without your help!
It’s not too late to take advantage of the 2021 ABWA Virtual Regional Conferences. Maia is part of District V (Central Regional Conference) March 5 and March 6. For more information- please See Achieve Newsletter.
From the Bottom of my Heart, Thank You!
Sharon Walker Vice- President Maia Chapter